Saturday, January 16, 2010

Military Credit Unions Can The Military Freeze Your Money If Your Money Is At The Credit Union That Are Afiliate To The Military Bank

Can the military freeze your money if your money is at the credit union that are afiliate to the military bank - military credit unions

If the military has been called to serve in Iraq if it refused to go the army is not empowered to freeze funds (the law), especially if your account is connected to the CU Armed Forces or union with the military


Mrsjvb said...

frozen? No, but all pay and allowances to be stopped.

Navy Sailor - GAI said...

No, and credit unions are privately Jandía not connected with the military is only a name like Bank of America.

The IRS can freeze your account if you owe them money or say they get a bonus of recruiting or reenlistment and went UA / deserter from the army. You will receive their money somewhere.

candy g said...

Is this to your other question banks hun military?

Does anyone give you a line and help agree with you .....................

Able to the question, I do not think you certainly will not freeze on ............. brought to account if they go refuses to comply with a direct [IU in Iraq], then it is a crime, and for this crime, prison, punishment, or what they would be punished / thought was right, of which part is covered by the suspension of payment of taxes, etc., but to really get into the account, freeze, and it would be outside the military capabilities ............... "I think you can go to court to freeze their assets, they thought it was a flight risk ... etc. etc. etc.

Think you are wrong, if I read your other questions, and this right.

John T said...

No employer will pay you if you do not work.

John T said...

No employer will pay you if you do not work.

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